Welcome to the bridge. This is a place where I hope to share the lessons I’ve learned and a few thoughts about where I’m going. I hope what I write here is a blessing that encourages you to cross a few bridges along the way.
Special thank you to the photographers at unsplash.com for many of the photos found on this website.
If you need copy for your catalog, advertising brochure, or website, I'm familiar with the need for interesting and varied language that will draw business. Using keywords that can result in an active website makes me the SEO writer that you are looking for. Whether you need something brief or a newsletter that keeps the audience wanting more, I can work with you to create the results you want.
Whether it's an interview or a promotional campaign, I have experience writing the stories that get attention. From deadline-sensitive hard news to entertaining stories that make us happy to be human, I have covered stories with the precision and sensitivity that quality writing requires.
Grammar is a passion of mine. I have taught writing courses for over 20 years and edited thousands of papers and projects. I have also worked with publishers to proofread material before it goes to press. If you are looking for another pair of eyes, let's talk.
Who will you trust with yours?